It was Super Bowl weekend in Tampa, FL on January 2001. Kimtasha, Whitney and I, shown here with actor and philanthropist Holly Robinson Peete, (along with other amazing members of our staff) were part of an awesome makeup team sent in to work the The HollyRod Foundation’s Super Bowl Fashion Show Event. A foundation dedicated to providing compassionate care to those living with autism and Parkinson’s disease. This was one of my first times working a celebrity event. I was excited when our team, myself included, got to work with models, Holly, Natalie Cole, MTV VJ Ananda Lewis, Star Jones, I even think Jose Canseco was there too, among others!
It was pretty cool and I loved working alongside this amazing, talented team of friends! What was even cooler, was that this was one of the first times I began to see the true, expansive power of makeup. It was when I awakened to the fact that using my skills in different ways, could create impact beyond skin deep.
Many people don’t know that shortly before this, I faced cancer. It was a very scary year of my life that brought me to a more mature relationship with God and caused me to re-evaluate my future and what I really wanted to do with my life. It basically changed the trajectory of my personal and professional life forever.
Just a year later I stood there, captured in that photo, blessed and also pregnant with my first daughter, full of hope and gratitude, doing what I loved with people I respect. I had no idea that I was about to make another set of life changing decisions that once again would affect my life in ways that would lead me to this very moment today, living in IL, homeschooling and raising 2 beautiful daughters as a single mom. All while also running my own business and dreaming big, wild, incredible dreams at the age of 50.
Life is full of many small moments, big decisions and huge opportunities. I cherish this moment here with these amazing women. I’m reminded that there can be so much magic in a photograph, and also in the unknown. You feel me on that?
I aim to honor all the moments, alongside so many incredible people, that have shaped me and brought me to where I am today, the good, the awesome and the super hard. I’m loaded with all of this life inside that drives my purpose and love for what I get to do. I look forward with so much excitement to the magic of what’s next, of who I’ll get to connect and work with in the days ahead, and if I’m fortunate enough, in the years to come!
A Magical Destination Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Tammi Flyntz. Bridal Makeup by Juliette. Photo: McLaughlin Photo Video
Through the years my work as a professional makeup artist has brought me many incredible opportunities and introduced me to a multitude of amazing human beings. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and connecting with so many special people, it’s so often made my work not feel like a job at all. As I already mentioned, this fall brought me a destination wedding for the ages…
Fearless Beauty
Feeling confident, empowered and fully realized within each person’s own special, unique-to-them most fabulous energy, is what my work is about.
Putting My Best Look Forward
Beauty is an inside job, so putting my best look forward begins within. I believe well-being should always come first when aiming to show up and shine.
Makeup Is My Superpower
Makeup artistry is definitely one of my everyday superpowers! Through my MANY years in business, I have learned about the capacity makeup has to affect humans in empowering and constructive ways.