Beauty is an inside job, so putting my best look forward begins within. I believe well-being must always come first when aiming to show up and shine. After 20 plus years in the beauty industry, as a professional makeup artist, receiving continuous training and educating myself, coaching clients, while having a deep passion for wellness, I learned that in order to feel and look our best, we get to prioritize our physical well-being. Rest, nourishment and physical fitness all play a pivotal role in our beauty game. In my experience, it’s that inner sparkle that drives the whole.
I teach my clients that makeup always looks best on hydrated skin. That when creating beauty routines, nourishing our bodies well can prevent negative physical results and create positive ones. Also understanding that exercise is a sure-fire way to feel great and nothing looks better on us than happiness. This makes cultivating joy a top priority in my personal beauty regimen. Dance party anyone? Once all of that is in practice, then comes the makeup fun. Even though I truly believe makeup is so much more than that. When it comes to beauty, I consider myself an enhancer and makeup as a tool for self expression. Creating joy through makeup applications has been at the core of my passion for the work I get to do. Seeing my clients light up when I’m finished working, as they discover something new about themselves, at times even grow in confidence, is a gift. I have seen actual positive shifts in my clients’ perspectives many, many times, and those moments are everything. These experiences are a large part of why I love what I get to do!
How does makeup serve you? What makeup tools help you put your best look forward? It’s like when wearing a power suit to an important meeting or when rocking those favorite running shoes for that race. It’s that awesome feeling that has you ready for what’s next while showing up at the top of your game. When thinking about what does that for me, I say, give me ALL the makeup, and if I have to choose, for me personally, I say it’s about brows and lips…okay and mascara too! Brows share so much expression and filling them in or setting them, can be one of the best ways to elevate our look. Plus, a great lipstick color and formula, well, that immediately gives me a boost. As a whole, I believe that’s what it’s about; feeling confident and free to live authentically, able to express ourselves, understanding that makeup can be a part of that exciting experience. Putting our best look forward is about feeling our most confident, healthiest and strongest selves in any situation. It’s about being lit from within as we brighten what’s seen, so shine on boo!